Know These Things Before Visiting Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo is one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia that has many features so that many tourists, both local and foreign, want to visit it. Therefore, usually many provide Bromo tour package where with these travel packages we can visit some very useful things for us to visit.

Advantages Of Using The Bromo Tour Package

When we want to take a vacation to Bromo, it is highly recommended to take a Bromo tour package because that way our vacation will be more optimal and effective, as for some of the advantages that we can get from using a travel package, including the following:

  • More cost-effective

The first advantage is that we can save more on costs compared to traveling independently, this is because the costs incurred will be shared, besides that we can also ensure expenses during the trip so that we can easily make a budget to save expenses.

  • Maximizing travel

In addition to saving money, we can also maximize our vacation time without having to bother making plans and finding a way to get to the location because everything has been prepared by the travel package, so our trip will be more optimal and enjoyable.

5 Must-Visit Destinations While On Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo is in the Tenger area, we can visit the mountain from different areas, either through Pasuruan, Lumajang, Probolinggo, and Malang. As for when visiting Mount Bromo, we should not miss 5 destinations that must also be visited because of their extraordinary beauty and so amazing. Some of the must-visit destinations are:

  •  Visit the whispering sand

Whispering sand or sea of ​​​​sand is a tourist destination that must be visited if you are in Bromo, called whispering because this sand used to be very quiet, so quiet that we can hear the sound of the wind like people whispering, this tourist destination is quite a typical tour of Mount Bromo because it is a very large desert.

  • Watching the sunrise on the side of Mount Bromo

The thing we need to do when visiting Bromo is to watch the sunrise. This is usually the most awaited attraction by tourists. At sunrise, the natural beauty around Bromo will look so very beautiful and amazing that we should not miss it. To see its beauty, we can look for places that are quite strategic, such as the hill of love, hill Dingklik, hill Kongkog, and the peak of climbing. The hills are the most strategic spots to see the sunrise.

  • Take pictures on the Teletubbies hill

One of the Bromo tourist destinations that are included in the Bromo tour package is Teletubbies hill, referred to as Teletubbies hill because the hill is wavy just like the hill in the Teletubbies movie. On this tour, tourists usually take pictures with a beautiful hill background, besides that, packages for breakfast are also provided here so that we can enjoy breakfast on this hill comfortably.

  • Bromo Terrace

The next thing we need to visit is the Bromo terrace. In this place we can enjoy the beauty of the Bromo sunset in the afternoon while relaxing, the Bromo terrace itself is the name of the restaurant which in addition to providing delicious food and drinks also offers the beauty of the sunset at sunset.

  • Enjoy the beauty of Bromo crater

When on vacation to Bromo we should not miss the Bromo crater, because it is the main attraction of Bromo itself. To be able to enjoy the beauty of the crater we need to climb it first, where to get there we only need 1 hour.

That’s all about 5 things that you will usually visit when on vacation in Bromo if you use the Bromo tour package.